This Month in Productivity and In My Life

Been a few weeks since my last post. This is for a few reasons:

  • I've been writing a guest post for one of my favorite productivity sites. (I'm letting the draft sit for a week before a final revision.)
  • I moved from part-time to full-time at an early-stage start-up called eXlogue. (I'm really excited about this company. More on it later, but the goal is to become a global knowledge and skill exchange community. Everyone has something to teach and some service they could offer to others, and everyone has something to learn and some service they need... So why not trade? You can check out the website at, and feel free to sign up! We're still growing but there are great teachers offering *free* lessons in foreign languages, coding, productivity, law, test prep, fine arts, and even ballroom dancing!)
  • Part of my job at eXlogue is writing blog posts. Between those and all my other writing activities, I often do not have enough words within me for this blog.  However, I've been able to get ahead of the game with the company blog, leaving me some words to play around with here.
  • I began brainstorming plans for This Month In Productivity, a monthly newsletter I will be starting. The basic idea is to compile the month's best articles from top productivity websites (e.g., Asian Efficiency, Lifehacker, Productivityist, etc.), from lesser-known sites (e.g., is a new one I really like), as well as reviews of a book or two that I come across on Amazon. In many ways, this will perform the same function as my Twitter account--except on a monthly basis. I think there is a fair demand for this newsletter because, let's be honest, spending a few hours a day reading productivity stuff isn't always "productive." As Mike Vardy of Productivityist says, the goal is to BE productive, not DO productive. If you are interested in receiving the newsletter (the first will go out towards the end of the month), please sign up below, e-mail me at, or Tweet me at mjmottajr.

I have a few posts on the backburner that I am going to move to the frontburner ASAP, so check back in later in the week for a more substantive and actionable post. 

Thanks for reading! See you on Twitter.  



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